
Bananas For Coconuts


Ready for one of our last extremely summery recipes? Here we go! Because we started with an ice cream a couple of weeks ago, we thought we would come up with a more tropical flavor.


We’ve always loved coconut and bananas, but never tried them in a combination. See where I’m going with this? If you do and want to give this daring popsicle recipe a try, scroll down to read the directions and ingredients that you need.  


Note: This recipe doesn’t necessarily result in a very sweet ice cream, we tried to make it as healthy and fresh as possible.


Coconut Ice Cream

50-100g (cups) coconut flakes (the denser you want your ice cream to be, the more coconut you can add. We used 100g and it was almost perfect for our taste. However, our grandma seemed to not be too in love with it… just letting you know.)

2 tbsp sugar

200 ml (7 oz) heavy whipping cream

1 tsp vanilla extract

2 tsp coconut extract

*coconut milk

Banana Ice Cream

2 ripe bananas

1 tbsp sugar

200 ml (7 oz) heavy whipping cream

1 tsp vanilla extract

Coconut Ice Cream: (You can skip step 1 if it doesn’t apply to your coconut flakes)

  1. If your coconut flakes are really dry, you can try pouring coconut milk over them and let them sit while you follow the rest of the recipe. Be careful not to get them too damp. Use just enough coconut milk to make your flakes a little fresher. ¼ cup should do for 100g.
  2. Whip the heavy whipping cream with the vanilla extract, coconut extract and one tablespoon of sugar.
  3. Slowly add the coconut flakes in.

Banana ice Cream:  

  1. Mash the bananas until they become a purée. Set aside.
  2. Whip the heavy whipping cream with the vanilla extract and one tablespoon of sugar.
  3. Slowly fold the banana purée into the now whipped cream with a wooden spoon (or any other type of spoon, but don’t use a mixer)

Preparing the popsicles aka magic:

  1. Fill the popsicle molds: half banana ice cream and half coconut ice cream.
  2. Freeze for more than 5 hours (best if left overnight).
  3. When you serve them, you can pour a little bit of melted chocolate (or chocolate syrup if you’re lazy) and sprinkle some coconut on top. Be careful though, while the chocolate freezes when kept in the freezer, the chocolate syrup won’t. If that doesn’t bother you, go ahead and just be lazy for a day. All that’s left to do is to enjoy the magic of this refreshing dessert!

-STYLISH people who LOVE to EAT are the best PEOPLE- X.O, A&F

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