
Cheese Danish with A Romanian Twist


Christmas break is finally here for us and new holiday posts are being in the making at this very moment. For today, however, we decided to create a Danish recipe for all the relaxing holiday mornings and brunches that are yet to come.


Since we are starting this holiday season with a delicious fattening recipe, I think the best advice we have is to put your fat pants on and not resist the urge to eat; well, at least that’s what we are planning to do. Scroll down to read the ingredients and steps for our reinterpreted recipe of a cheese danish.




500g (1.10lbs) all-purpose flour

300ml (10oz)  milk

1 packet of rapid rise yeast

1 tbsp granulated sugar

2 egg yolks

2 tbsp butter

4 tbsp vegetable oil


750g (26oz) farmer cheese with no salt added (we used the brand Lifeway, from Gelson’s)

8-10 tbsp granulated sugar

3 tsp vanilla extract

Lemon zest from one lemon

1 egg


  1. Place the yeast in 50 ml of milk mixed with one tablespoon of sugar. Set aside until it rises.
  2. In a separate bowl, mix the flour and salt. Add the yeast, 100 ml of milk and the two egg yolks. As you start kneading the dough, gradually incorporate the remaining 150 ml of milk.
  3. When the ingredients are evenly blended, add the butter and oil, continuing to knead until homogenized.
  4. Let the dough rise for 1-2 hours.

Cheese filling:

  1. For the filling, you only need to mix all the ingredients together until they form a homogenous cream.

Putting the danishes together:

  1. After the dough has risen, roll it out and cut it in squares (around 6×6 inch, approximately 15×15 cm).
  2. Fill the squares with the cheese cream and then fold it by bringing the corners towards the middle.
  3. Place the danishes on a baking pan lined with parchment paper and let them sit for a couple of minutes.
  4. Use one egg to lightly coat the top of each danish.
  5. Bake at  350 (180) for around 25 minutes or until they obtain a golden color.
  6. Take the danishes out of the oven, powder them with sugar and devour in peace.


-STYLISH people who LOVE to EAT are the best PEOPLE- X.O, A&F



One response to “Cheese Danish with A Romanian Twist”

  1. Liliana says:

    Ce bine arata! Ma uit la prajiturele voastre si salivez! <3<3<3

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