
Christmas Eve In Shades Of Blue


As promised, we are back with another outfit for this holiday season. This time, we considered the cold winter weather, coming up with and outfit that can easily be adjusted for any occasion. In comparison to Anna’s elegant chic outfit from yesterday, Francesca’s outfit has more of a dressy casual look.


Similar to yesterday’s outfit, the bottoms represent the central piece. These embellished ripped jeans will provide you with both comfort and a unique update from regular denim. As we still wanted to maintain the winter theme, we decided to choose another color that symbolized the season’s frigid weather: blue. This blue sweater will keep you warm, and it can definitely hide many layers underneath if you are spending your day outside. Another blue item, the pair of shoes, makes for a fun pop of color, bringing out the vibrancy in the outfit’s color palette. The reason why we chose two different shades of blue is because both of them are also found on the Man Repeller bag. From that same accessory, we extracted the red, choosing to wear a pair of red glasses. Although a simple accessory, the bag ties all the colors together in this particular outfit.




If you are the type of person who values comfort more than looks, this outfit is perfect for you. You can be elegant and look great dressed in a pair of jeans and sweater. As last year we came up with two very similar outfits, we wanted to do something different this year to match our fashion personas. We hope to have inspired you for any last minute outfits you might need tomorrow. Happy holidays to all of you, VogueTreaters!!



-STYLISH people who LOVE to EAT are the best PEOPLE- X.O F&A

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