
Vogue Treats Easter Bunnies Edition


After many chocolaty, sugary sweets, it’s time for something healthier. Although Easter is a famous holiday, there isn’t a written rule that you have to eat until you pop (examples: Thanksgiving, Christmas).


We all deserve a little detox period, but it can get hard. So, to make this easier, while scrolling on Pinterest we got an idea for a healthier version of delicious muffins. And I’m not lying, you can’t even tell there’s a difference. These muffins are heavenly!


-STYLISH people who LOVE to EAT are the best PEOPLE- X.O, A&F


2 responses to “Vogue Treats Easter Bunnies Edition”

  1. Liliana says:

    Hallo! They look yummy, nice-tasting and all-and all…
    Happy Easter to you!
    Plenty of kisses and joy!

  2. IT’S the weekend to indulge, so celebrate by trying out the tastiest of Easter treats – the healthy and the decadent.

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